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What is on the Web?

WHAT IS ON WEB? -   A brief glimpses of Websites,Web application,WebPages,Types of web,Dark web serious attack.


       World Wide Web or W3 or simply the Web, is one of the popular application of the Internet.Web is a subset of the Internet consisting of the pages that can be accessed by a Web browser. Many people assume that the Web is the same as the Internet, and use these terms interchangeably. However, the term Internet actually refers to the global network of servers that makes the information sharing that happens over the Web possible. So, although the Web does make up a large portion of the Internet, but they are not one and same. Due to the WWW technology, the Internet is capable of conveying sounds, images and video clips. The attraction towards this technology drew many people towards the Web.

The popularity of the Internet grew exponentially, thanks to the Web. The World Wide Web is a home to millions of Web sites, set up by businesses, cies, institutions and individuals. You nanme it and it's there on the Web. There are a very few things for which you will not find information on the Web.The Web uses HTTP protocol to transmit data and share information. Browsers such as Internet Explorer, Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox are used to access Web documents, or Web pages, which are connected via links.

 Window of your Company to the world

 On the world wide web you can display the services or product your company nas to offer. Your company's web site having all the company and its relevant information about tne services will now be available to the entire world. Anyone, any corner of the world. from can visit your web site and find out product and information about the services that you company offers

 Shopping Malls on the Web 

Shop and buy instantly on the Web, at the sites of individual companies or mall-like sites that through connects you to thousands of "on-line Banking stores.

Banking from your desktop computer 

Now no need to rush to the bank for getting your work done. The Web allows you your banking straight from your computer, either at home or at office. You can find out your balance and other details of your account. You may transrer money to some other account. You can also find out details of other services that the bank has to offer.

Latest News 

You need not wait for the morning paper in order to find out what's happening in the world. No need to switch on the television or radio also. Internet has many news sites on the Web that are updated repeatedly throughout the day. So you can get the latest news of the world events, sports, weather, and that too whenever you want it. 

Reference Library 

The Internet provides you with access to numerous reference materials, including the collections of many libraries, research facilities, museums, and similar institutions. The World Wide Web acts as a friendly librarian who can help you to search the required information.You can find information which is as simple as the definition of a word or as complex as the latest in scientific research.


The Intranet is an implementation of the Internet within an organisation. It is a private web site, maintained by an organisation solely for its employees. It can also provide various services within the organisation. An Intranet is an organisation's own internal network that ser uses the same services, protocols and technologies. which are available on the Internet. Users use the same sottware to utilise services on the Internet as well as Intranet. The intranet can provide all the services that the Internet provides, but only within the organisation.lntranet can be used as an effective medium for communication and collaboration within the organisation.


 When an organisations lntranet is made available to selected users outside its local area network, it is known aS an Extranet. Extranet is designed to grant authority to external entities, to access the existing Intranet. For example, a company's clients can access the Intranet to find out the latest information. Extranet provides better communication and collaboration with the customers. 

Web Application

Due to the development of recent technologies used on the Internet, web emerged applications have for traditional application development. Web applications help in building dynamic and more compelling information on the Web. They also promote the Web browser as a single client application to perform various implementing small to medium-sized functions.Many organisations have started applications using web technologies gramming like Java pro- language, HTML, JavaScript and CGI server-side extension so on.Java is an technologies and object-oriented programming language, used primarily based applications. for writing web.


Surface Web

  • -Accessible
  • -Indexed for Search Engines
  • -Little illegal activity
  • -Relatively small in size

Deep Web

-Accessible by password, encryption, or through gateway software

-Not indexed for Search Engines

-Little illegal activity outside of Dark Web

-Huge in size and growing exponentially

Dark Web

  • -Restricted to special browsers
  • -Not indexed for Search Engines
  • -Large scale illegal activity
  • -Unmeasurable due to nature


E-commerce involves money transaction over the Internet. You can buy as well as sell products through the e-commerce facility of the Internet.The increased usage of the Internet by commercial organisations has given rise to Electronic Commerce over the Internet.Many technologies like Digital certificates, Digital cash, SET protocol, On-line shopping malls have come up, enabling commerce solution via the Internet. 

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