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Top Most Popular Search Engines You Can Use Instead of Google

 Top Most Popular Search Engines You Can Use Instead of Google

search engine is a software system that is designed to carry out web searches (Internet searches), which means to search the World Wide Web in a systematic way for particular information specified in a textual Web Search Querry. The search results are generally presented in a line of results, often referred to as Search Engine result pages (SERPs). The information may be a mix of links to Web Pages, images, videos,Infographics, articles, research papers, and other types of files.Search Engines are now part of our daily life, whether it be carrying out research for presentatuions or where is the nearest Food shop open before 7am or looking for best Steak House in town,Connect with virtual worlds. People are now becoming more and more dependent on search engines to get the answer for their everyday queries.They spent,belive these databases,Internet Contents real time information.

      Almost Everyone we uses in most of time Google Search Engine,it would be worthwhile having a run down on the rest of the World, so here let’s look at top other search engines in the world.And If you are unwilling to trade privacy for convenience or have specific search needs, there are a number of Google alternatives that offer a better search experience.Here,I am try to present  in brief, the information about the Some of the search engines, and how they work 



This is actually a directory father than a search engine. Humans compile and categonse sites the it searches.

It has become ubiquitous, often used as a transitive verb.If you have any doubts, just Google it!

Google’s easy-to-use interface and personalized user experience.The tech giant is always evolving and looking to improve the search engine algorithm to provide best results to the end-user.

With over 70 percent of market share, one hardly needs to introduce readers to Google.However, it clearly needs to head up any list of search engines.With its ever-evolving algorithm a dominant online advertising platform, and personalized user experience, Google has amassed a global market share of 87%.

No one serves up better search results than Google.At least that’s the common perception.

Pros & Cons

The big appeal to ranking on Google is clearly the massive potential traffic. The downside is that everyone else wants this traffic, making organic search the most competitive and paid search often more expensive than on other sites.

Further, many argue that Google is moving searchers away from clicking through to websites,adds,Some threating Fraud websites privacy etc sometimes embrass public.

According to As of September 2020, Google is the world's most used search engine, with a market share of 92.96 percent, and the world's most used search engines are;


Bing is Microsoft’s answer to Google and it was launched in 2009. Bing is the default search engine in Microsoft’s web browser. At Bing, they are always striving to make it a better search engine but it’s got a long way to go to give Google competition. Microsoft’s search engine provides different services including image, web and video search along with maps. Bing introduced Places (Google’s equivalent is Google My Business), this is a great platform for business to submit their details to optimise their search result.

  • Bing carries that same clean user experience to video, making it the go-to source for video search without a YouTube bias.
  • For starters, Bing has a REWARDS PANEL that allows one to accumulate points while searching. These points are redeemable at the Microsoft and Windows stores, which is a nice perk.

Duck Duck Go

Tired of being tracked online?Get seamless privacy protection on your browser for free with one download:

DuckDuckGo doesn’t collect or store any of your personal information.

That means you can run your searches in peace without having to worry about the boogeyman watching you through your computer screen.

DuckDuckGo is the perfect choice for those who wish to keep their browsing habits and personal information private


Infoseek's search engine has an extensive catalogue of sites founded in 1994 by Steve Kirsch.Infoseek was bought by The Walt Disney Company in 1999, and the technology was merged with that of the Disney-acquired Starwave to form the network. Infoseek has a directory too, which categorises sites according to topics, using software, Some sites have been reviewed Agas essid hp/wantM yccs hncam co and are recommended. 


StartPage serves up answers from Google, making it the perfect choice for those who prefer Google’s search results, but aren’t keen on having their search history tracked and stored.It also includes a URL generator, a proxy service, and HTTPS support.

The URL generator is especially useful because it eliminates the need to collect cookies.Instead, it remembers your settings in a way that promotes privacy.

  • Zero saving, sharing, or selling your search data
  • No third party trackers or cookies like other search engines
  • Un-profiled search results
  • Browse other sites in complete privacy with Anonymous View

Founded in 1995,, previously known as Ask Jeeves. Their key concept was to have search results based on a simple question + answer web format. It is a question & answer community where you can get the answers for your question and it integrates a large amount of archive data to answer your question. Because of this dependency on archived and active user contributions the results will not be as current as those you get in Google, Bing and Yahoo. They’ve tried to counter where their resources don’t have the answer they take help from a third-party search engine. Interestingly they don’t name who this is.

YearEngineCurrent status
1993WWW WormInactive
1994Go.comInactive, redirects to Disney
1994InfoseekInactive, redirects to Disney
1995Yahoo! SearchActive, initially a search function for Yahoo! Directory
1995AltaVistaInactive, acquired by Yahoo! in 2003, since 2013 redirects to Yahoo!
1996RankDexInactive, incorporated into Baidu in 2000
1996DogpileActive, Aggregator
1996InktomiInactive, acquired by Yahoo!
1996Ask JeevesActive (rebranded
1997AOL NetFindActive (rebranded AOL Search since 1999)
1997Northern LightInactive
1998IxquickActive as
1998MSN SearchActive as Bing
1998empasInactive (merged with NATE)
1999AlltheWebInactive (URL redirected to Yahoo!)
1999GenieKnowsActive, rebranded Yellowee (redirection to
1999TeomaActive (© APN, LLC)
2004ClustyActive (as Yippy)
2005KidzSearchActive, Google Search
2006SosoInactive, merged with Sogou
2006Live SearchActive as Bing, rebranded MSN Search
2007Wikia SearchInactive
2007Blackle.comActive, Google Search
2008PowersetInactive (redirects to Bing)
2008ForestleInactive (redirects to Ecosia)
2009BingActive, rebranded Live Search
2009MugurdyInactive due to a lack of funding
2009Scout (Goby)Active
2009Startpage.comActive, sister engine of Ixquick
2010BlekkoInactive, sold to IBM
2010Yandex (English)Active
2011YaCyActive, P2P
2014EgerinActive, Kurdish / Sorani
2016KiddleActive, Google Search
                               Source :

Yandex is used by greater than 50% of Russian Internet users according to LiveInternet. It is also used in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Turkey, and Ukraine.Its The fifth most popular search engine worldwide

It has a Nasdaq-traded stock and a market cap of over $14 billion.Yandex is an overall easy-to-use search engine.

The browser checks webpage security with the Yandex security system and checks downloaded files with Kaspersky anti-virus. The browser also uses Opera Software's Turbo technology to speed web browsing on slow connections. The browser is available for Windows, macOS, Android and iOS.

It promises,Specalities:

  • No cookie tracking, retargeting, or personal profiling.
  • No sharing of personal data with advertisers.
  • No storing of user search history.
  • Unbiased, unfiltered search results.
  • Encrypted search terms.

Excite is a hybrid search engine. it fulfils the traditional search engine definition t always visiting Web sites and cataloguing them. using a software program. Excite also t a directory. a subsection of its catalogued sites, which have been reviewed by People. A recent report on tells us that Yahoo have a market share of 7.68 percent. Although a leader as a free email provider, this is declining significantly though with their recent acknowledgement that User Details & Passwords where hacked last year.


It is a search engine which pulls in results from forums and message boards.

It’s a convenient tool if you’re searching for content written by everyday users about a topic, but you aren’t necessarily familiar enough with the niche to know the best forum or board to visit from the outset.

As more of our computing moves into the cloud, users are becoming increasingly aware of the environmental impact of day to day digital activities.

Googling is – perhaps surprisingly for such a quick innocuous activity – a formidable Co2 producer.

Launched in 2009, Ecosia is a Co2-neutral alternative. With every search made, the social business uses the revenue generated to go towards its tree-planting scheme. On average, 45 searches are needed to make a single tree.

Much of the engine itself is powered by Bing.


Rather than keeping its own database of web sites, Metacrawler conducts your search simultaneously on several search engines, including Excite, Infoseek, Lycos, and Yahoo. This takes a little longer than using just one search engine, but it's likely to yield a more comprehensive set of results. 

                         Major search sites generally provide more than one search engine for finding Web sites. They also allow you to look up information such as recent news stories, newsgroup postings, reference material (such as dictionary entries and maps), and e-mail addresses, street addresses, and telephone numbers of business and individuals.

Continuing in the spirit of accessible content, Internet Archive (often known by its URL, is a vast collection of documented material – including music, books, video, educational texts, and more.

It is also home to the endlessly fascinating Wayback Machine, a tool which has been taking snapshots of the internet since the 90s.

According to their website, “Gibiru is the preferred Search Engine for Patriots.”

Their main privacy policy is : 

Zero retargeting

You’ll never be solicited to buy item you have already purchased. We don’t log your searches, IP address or place cookies on your computer. This means there is not data to sell to advertisers or to use to retarget you.

They claim their search results are sourced from a modified Google algorithm, so users are able to query the information they seek without worrying about Google’s tracking activities.

Because Gibiru doesn’t install tracking cookies on your computer they purport to be faster than “NSA Search Engines.”


Search Encrypt is a private search engine that uses local encryption to ensure your searches remain private.

It uses a combination of encryption methods that include Secure Sockets Layer encryption and AES-256 encryption.

When you input a query, Search Encrypt will pull the results from its network of search partners and deliver the requested information.

One of the best parts of Search Encrypt is that your search terms will eventually expire, so your information will remain private even if someone has local access to your computer.


Inspites of these top Alternative search engines,The Huge number of internet users are active in Different Common social media platforms,I.e Facebook,Messenger,Twitter,Twitch,Blogger,Parler,Instagram.

  Working at Search Engine Watch isn’t all about studying, understanding, and reporting on Google. With more than 9% of web users searching on other engines, it’s important that we occasionally take the time to check out what they are using and what those platforms are up to.Above Here is my hotlist alternatives instead of Google search Engine.Lets' read & visit on this seach engine for broad one's thinking updation.Hey atlast I'm Very interested to know above which is your most useful top alternative search engines?Comment below,&If anything is miss in their please share your thoughts on Comment Box.Your Enthusiastic Support has going to improve the quality of the blog n recent days.

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