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A Computer in an electronic machine which is used to perform calculations and various data processing. The word 'computer" is derived from the word compute which means "To Calculate". So, Computer is an electronic device which can perform Arithmetical and logical operation at very high speed. It also accepts information and manipulates it for some result based on a program or sequence of instructions on how data is to be processed. A computer not only stores data but also retrieve data. So, it is an electronic data processing machine which is used for a wide range of activities.

          More accurately. a computer may be defined as a device, which operates upon data. Data can be any thing like marks obtained by various students in various subjects when the computer is used to prepare various results.

The activity of processing data using a computer is called data processing. Data processing consists of three sub activities: capturing the input data, manipulating the data and managing the output results. As used in data processing, information is data arranged in an order and from, which is useful to people who receive it. Hence, data processing and information is the processed data obtained as the output of data processing.


 The two basic types of computers are the following: (a) Analog (b) Digital

  • Analog computers

Analog computers handle or process information which is of a physical nature. as for example, temperature, pressure etc.


  • Digital Computer 

 Digital Computers process information which is essentially in a binary or two-state form, namely Zero or one. When talking about computers, we mostly refer to the digital type of electronics machines.


  The history of computers will not only give the basic information about the technological development trends in computer in the past but also its projections in the future. The knowledge of history are essential to give us the feel for how much and effort has been done to get the computer in this present shape.

  Use of tools for calculation is very old. The first use of instrument for calculation was  made by Chinese nearly 5 thousands years ago. The name of instrument is "abacuss" It is made with a wooden or metal frame on which there are several rows of strings.

                        Computer Arcitechture

      The ancestors of modern age computer were the mechanical and electro-mechanical devices. This ancestry can be traced back in 17h century, when first machine capable of performing four mathematical operations addition, subtraction, division and multiplication, The very first attempt towards this computing was made by Blaise Pascal in 1642 which consisted of lots of gears and chains and used to perform repeated addition and subtractions. The device was called pascaline. Prof. Charles Babbage- the grandfather of modern computer. In 1833 Babbage began work on an Analytical Engine" which mathematical operation perform any- automatically.Most of concepts developed by John today's computer designs are based on von Neumann known as Von Neumann architecture.


AUTOMATIC: - A machine is said to be automatic, if it works by itself without human intervention. Computer are machines because once started on a job, they carry on, until the job is finished, normally without any human assistance.


SPEED :- A computer is very fast device. It can perform in a few seconds, the amount of work that human night begin can do in an entire year-if he worked day and and did nothing else. 

ACCURACY:- In addition to being very fast, computers are accuracy of a very accurate. The particular computer depends upon its design.


 DILIGENCE :- Unlike human beings, a computer is free from monotony, tiredness and lack of concentration. It can continuously work for hours, without any creating error and without grumbling. 

VERSATILITY:- Versatility is one of the most wonderful things about the One moment, it is computer. preparing the results of an busy examination, the next moment, it is preparing electricity bills, and in between, it may be helping an office to trace an secretary important letter in seconds.  

POWER OF REMEMBERING:- As a human being acquires new knowledge, the brain subconsciously select waht it feels to be important and worth retaining in its memory, and relegates unimportant detail to the back of the mind or just forgets them. 

NO I.Q. :- A computer is not a magical device. It possesses no intelligence of its own.Its I.Q. is zero.

NO FEELINGS :- Computers are devoid of emotions. They have no feelings and no instincts because they are machines.  


First Generation: In 1945 ENIAC first designed a computer. Here the general-purpose For vacuum tubes are used in electronic circuit.For storage magnetic drums are used. to use of Input/output was slow due punched card and tape. Due to use of vacuum size of tube, the the machine is great and a great amount of emitted excessive heat and electricity.

Second Generation: The second-generation computers started with the advent of transistor. Here in the electronic circuit transistor and diodes are used. In the primary internal storage magnetic core are used. Thus increasing the main storage capac- ity. Input/output was faster. It is cheaper, smaller and heat generation is less. The second-generation computers were more advanced in terms of arithmetic and logic unit and control unit than first gen- eration computers. It was used for billing, payroll processing and updating inventory files. IBM 1601,Honeywell 400,CDC 1604, IBM 1602 are some of the second-generation computers. 

Third Generation : The use of Integrated circuit(lC) in the | computer defines the third generation computers. Because due to use of densely packed lcs, the cost is low, greater operating speed, there is a reduction in power and cooling requirement. These computers not only small but their perfomance and reliability are also great. This computers are used in airline system, market forecasting, credit-card billing. IBM system/360,370,NCR 395,ICL 1900.

Fourth Generation : With the growth of micro-electronics, the IC technology evolved rapidly producing very 1large scale integration (VLSI) where thousands of transistors can be integrated on a single chip. The VLSI-based computer architecture is referred to as fourth generation computers. Here the storage capacity and speed are also increased. The use of microprocessor and micro computer started in this generation. Many sophisticated application program and networking facilities can be done through these computers. 


      The digital computers are of the following four main classes. 

1 Micro computer

 2 Mini computer 

3.Mainframe computer

4. Super computer

Mini Computer: The term mini computer originated in 1960s when it was realized that many computing tasks do not require an expensive contemporary mainframe computer but can be solved by a small, inexpensive computer.

        Later MicroComputer is replaced by 32-bit mini computer, which is also called Super mini Later, microcomputer which had more peripheral devices, large memory and could support more users working simultaneously on the computer.

Mainframe Computer: Mainframe computers are generally 32-bit machines or on the higher side. These are suited to big organizations, to manage high volume applications R0 terminals can be connected with mainframe computers, So 80 persons can work at a time Popular mainframe series are MEDHA, SPERRY, DEC, ICL. Mainframe computer are used in libraries for their large scale work. 

Super Computer: The upper end of the state of the art mainframe machine is the super computer. These are the fastest machines in terms of processing speed and use multiprocessing techniques. Here a number of processors are used to solve a problem. Here 200 terminals can be connected and so 200 persons can work at a time. 

        A number of companies dominate in the field of super computers, these are CRAY-2, ETA-20 and IBM 3090 and HITACHI. The super computers are reaching up to well over 25000 million speeds arithmetic operations per second. India has also in the line of preparing super computer. Super computer are mainly used for weather forecasting, com- putational fluid dynamics, remote sensing, image processing, bio-medical India has a mainframe applications. super computer system CRAY XMP-14 which is at present being used by meteorological department. 


There are lots of uses of computers. In fact, in our everyday life it is used in almost every step. Some of the places where it is used is listed below: 

Airlines: Booking now you can book your ticket for a flight leaving. New York while sitting in Melbourne. All the airlines are interconnected through computers.

Banks: Computers in Banks have made it possible that you can get your account information while sitting at home only. For this your bank must be an e-bank, which most of them are. ATM are another computer applications of bank.

Business:- For most of the companies, all the work relating to accounts is now done on computers, for accuracy and speedness. You can even have your correspondence on it. 

Cartoons: There are various programs available in computers which allow you too create animations. By learning about them you can become an expert animator. You may even make a movie of your own.

Cinema: now a day's computers do most of the filim editing. You can add and delete film clips at a snap using computers. In fact, some movies are totally made using computers. Films like Toy Story are made using computers. 

Defense: America has used the computers in defense for the fullest with pin pointng The position of enemy targets. Most of the missiles these days are computer controlled .

DTP : It has revolutionized how composing for, printing used to done. Now every book for printing is composed on computer since it is very easy to edit and read on screen. 

Education : Computers can help in teaching too. In fact this books on created using computers was computers. Most of the schools now use computers for accounung.Students record management, papers preparations and even results compilation. 

Home: At home it has become an additional entertainment media. You can use it for playing games., watching movies, listening to songs, writing letters, creating your own database of friends

Library Maintaining : the records in library manually used to be method. Computers very cumbersome have dramatically changed the way the cataloging is done in libraries.

Medicine : Lots of research in medicine is done using computers. Doctors now a days can see the complete inside of the human beings using the computer.

Space Technology: All the movements of the satellite are controlled using the computer

Weather : Using computers and satellites you can predict the weather for the next few days. In fact, the biggest computer in India is with the Meteorological Department of India, at New Delhi.

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