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            Almost every country around the world will have at least one river flowing through it (except Vatican City). There are probably a number of other important waterways as well. A river is a natural flowing watercourse from higher elevation to lower,its usually freshwater, flowing towards an ocean, sea, lake or another river.We can say also River is a ribbon-like body of water that flows in a definite course or channel downhill direction due to the force of gravity.

Rivers are the arteries of our planet; they are lifelines in the truest sense.” -

Mark Angelo

We must be begin thinking like a river if we are to live legacy of beauty and life  for future generations” -

 David Brower

      Since 2005 The World Rivers Day is celebrated annually on the fourth Sunday of September to celebrate the world's waterway and to highlight the values of rivers as Rivers face an array of threats. This year also the day falls on Sunday, 27th September 2020.Especialy It highlights the many values of our rivers, strives to increase public awareness, and encourages the improved stewardship of all rivers around the world.Yes Rivers in every country at present face an array of threats, and only our active involvement will ensure their health in the years ahead.

Brief History

There is a lot of human activity and some other contamination issues that causes pollution and damage to a number of the world’s important waterways, and this is dangerous for the people who regularly drink or use the rivers as a source of water and transport, as well as the ecosystems that could be living in them.So it was necessary to proposed a special day to celebrate The Sustain Water mission Tag or it’s a perfect day for water cleanup.

        The proposal for a  global event to celebrate rivers was based on the success of BC Rivers Day, which Mark Angelo had founded and led in western Canada since 1980. The United Nations (UN) launched the Water for Life Decade in 2005. The aim was to help create a greater awareness of the need to better care for the water resources across the world. After this initiative, the World Rivers Day (WRD) was established in response to the proposal by Mark Angelo, the internationally renowned river advocate.The first World Rivers Day was celebrated in 2005 and it turned out to be a great success.As already highlight With many of the world's rivers facing severe and increasing threats associated with climate change, pollution, and industrial development, Currently, several million people across more than 70 countries celebrated the many values of waterways in this 4th Sunday of September with at a different creation.


 Major Rivers in The World -

The River Nile is the longest river in the world. It measures 6,695 kilometres from its source in Burundi, along the White Nile, to its delta on the Mediterranean Sea. Officially, the shortesr river is the D River, Oregan, USA, which is just 37 metres long.

The biggest river in the world, measured by the amount of water that flows down it, is the Amazon. On average 120,000 cubic metres (about 20 swimming pools' worth) of water flows out of its mouth every second.The Amazon river traverses through,Colombia,Brazil,Peru.

The Ganges (2525 km) is the longest river in India and also the largest river in India followed by Godavari (1465 km).

The longest river of Europe is the River Volga. It flows primarily in a southerly direction through Russia into the Caspian Sea. The second longest is the Danube, flows west to east before entering the Black Sea.

The Yantze River which follow maily throughout the china is the longest river in Asia and third longest river in the world as I already put a table on below.


River and The Civilization -  

The first and most basic of all needs are those to do with physical survival. This is the need for food,drink,shelter. drink,shelter. A "civilization" means a society with large permanent settlements featuring urban development, social satisfaction, specialization of labor, centralized organization, and written or other formal means of communication.Earlier our ancestors were create their settlement on nearby river on the basis of some favourable geographical condition.A river gives the inhabitants a reliable source of water for drinking and agriculture. Additional benefits include fishing, fertile soil due to annual flooding, and ease of transportation.

Mesopotamia Civilization

Mesopotemia was one of the earliest river valley civilization, starting to form around 4000 BCE.The civilization was created after regular trading started relationships between multiple cities and states around the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. Mesopotamian cities became self-run civil governments. One of the cities within this civilization, , was the first literate society in history. Eventually, they constructed irrigation systems to exploit the two rivers, transforming their dry land into an agriculturally productive area, allowing population growth throughout the cities and states within Mesopotamia.

Egyptian Civilization

Ancient Egypt also created irrigation systems from its local river, the Nile river, more complex than previous systems. The Egyptians would rotate legumes with cereals  which would stop salt buildup from the freshwater and enhance the fertility of their fields. The Nile River also allowed easier travel, eventually resulting in the creation of two kingdoms in the north and south areas of the river until both were unified into one society by 3000 BCE.

Indus valley Civilization

Much of the history of the Indus Valley Civilisation is unknown.It was larger than either Egypt or Mesopotamia. Historians have found no evidence of violence or a ruling class; there are no distinctive burial sites and there is not a lot of evidence to suggest a formal military. However, historians believe that the lack of knowledge about the ruling class and the military is mainly due to the inability to read                               writing.The Harrapan Civilisaton was built up on Sindhu Or Indus river basin,so its Called Indus Valley Civilisation.

Yellow River Civilisation

The Yellow River became settled in 9500 BCE. Many tribes settled along the river, sixth-longest in the world, which was distinguished by its heavy load of yellow silt and its periodic devastating floods. A major impetus for the tribes to unite into a single kingdom by around 1700 BCE was the desire to find a solution to the frequent deadly floods. The Yellow River is often called "The Cradle of Chinese Civilization".

    Celebration of This World River Day 2020-  

        Since we are known that Covid Pandemic Situation is going on.But There are so many ways we can all get involved with Rivers Day. You might be able to find a local event, such as a litter clean or a beach litter pick. There are loads of different events that aim to get people out and about being active in helping to improve local rivers.Atfirst Start From Yourselves under the protofolio #worldriversday.

By remembering the 40th anniversary of BC River’s Day,Many Institutes,Non Profit social organization have starting to host many programme Like- 23RD INTERNATIONAL RIVER SYMPOSIUM  one may collect their tickets from here.Some of the plans are below discussed one may have follow to celebrate this River Day Remarkable.

River Clean Up Mission

Art Exhibition

Sanetisation the Outdoor

Community festivals

Localised Garbage Cleaning

Paddle trips,sailing,kayaking

Organise a webinar,workshop,seminar under #worldriversday Celebration

Doing Preserve and Reserve water conservation programme

A lot Poster Competition,GeoSnaps,Quizzes

Conduct live Interview with a Special Celebrity regarding this field.

Radio ,FM,Social media Brohure,Pemphlate distribution



            You can also contact local interest groups as well, including the likes of environmental groups, recycling societies, heritage societies, music societies, art societies, daycares, paddlers, and birders,local businesses,hospital foundations, the government, and local schools.But before organize a programme you can consider this urgent issues like,- can your work will create hamful  on regional waterbodies or its dependent diversity,So select atfirst Your team,community,safety and reliability procedure,Event Location. To promote your event, contact your local newspaper and ask them to do a story on your event.By getting help from a number of different groups of people, you are going to be able to diversify your event.

            Here, I am Sudip Dey have prepare an Energetic Quiz Competition to celebrate this World Rivers Day 2020, You all are request to participate by click on the Google form.


             Hello Everyone! Happy WORLD RIVERS DAY To all.Here I am Sudip Dey,5th semester Geography Honours Student Have Tried to Present This Blog On This Wonderful Occasion.Lets Celebrate The Day with Save Water,Clean Water Agenda.#sustain_our_Environment #Preserve_water #Protect_ecological_balance #Gogreen&clean.And If I miss to present something if its indistiguishable to your valuable comment on here.


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